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Contributors - People who have supported the Castor project

General information about the people that have supported the Castor project over the time.

This page lists all people who have gone the extra mile and supported Castor in one way or another. This list includes committers, contributors, people who have contributed to the project’s documentation, and people who advanced the project by providing us with valuable feedback.

If you would like to get involved, the first step is to join the mailing lists.

We kindly ask that you not send us emails privately (e.g. asking for support). We are non-paid volunteers who help out with the project and we do not necessarily have the time or energy to help people on an individual basis.

Instead, we have set up mailing lists which often contain hundreds of individuals. The benefit of using mailing lists instead of private communication is that these mailing lists are a shared resource where others can also learn from your messages. This is true whether your request contains a problem description, advice, or even a common mistake, and as a community we all grow together.

In addition, use of mailing lists enables us to maintain searchable archives of these mailing lists that cover a vast range of questions and answers related to the use of Castor. We simply cannot overstate the importance of these archives.


Name Email Project Company Description Status Since
Werner Guttmann JDO & XML Indoqa Current Castor project lead; JDO enhancements including distributed caches, TransactionManagerFactory API, support for polymorphism, Spring integration, the API for JDBC parameters and much more. Active Oct. 2003
Joachim Ralf JDO Syscon Various bug fixes, enhancements and refactorings at almost all parts of JDO including major refactoring of JDO test framework. Active Dec. 2004
Lukas Lang XML & JDO Contributed to JDO extensions for Castor XML code generator, including major refactorings of XML code generation and JDO Inactive Jul. 2008
Udai Gupta JDO Transferred some tests to new JDO test framework, Some bug fixes. Inactive Jul. 2008
Edward Kuns XML Various bug fixes, enhancements and refactorings at almost all parts of XML code generation, including major refactoring of XML test framework. Inactive Oct. 2006
Dennis Butterstein JDO GSoC student 2010 and GSoC mentor 2011. Inactive Mar. 2011

Google Summe of Code student

Name Email Project Description Status GSoC year
Matthias Epheser XML Committed a lot of new functionality to the XML code generator, including. the integration of Velocity as template engine, etc. Summer 2007
Dennis Butterstein JDO GSoC student 2010 and GSoC mentor 2011. Inactive Summer 2010

Historic committers


  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Visco" given="Keith"/>
      Intial Castor XML author and Castor Project Lead until 1.0.2.
      Responsible for all things wrong in Castor XML.
      Enhancements, bug fixes, documention, etc.
      <date>The beginning</date>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Fawcett" given="Andrew"/>
    | coda"/>
    <description>XML enhancements.</description>
      <date>Apr. 2005 (again)</date>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Snyder" given="Bruce"/>
    <email>bruce DOT snyder AT gmail DOT com</email>
      Enhancements, bug fixes, documention, etc. (JDO project lead
      from 0.9 to 0.9.5)

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Fuchs" given="Martin" />
    | mentopolis"/>
      JDO bug fixes and enhancements including JdoConfFactory;
      test cases; Oracle questions
      <date>Dec. 2004</date>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Block" given="Gregory" />
    | ctoforaday"/>
      Bugfixes/enhancements, stress testing, performance testing, tester of
      unusual 'runtime' environments, (Hashbelt) cache implementations et alias.
      <date>Dec. 2004</date>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Hugubakken" given="Stein" />
      Performance enhancements, core refactoring  and much more.
      <date>Dec. 2004</date>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Blandin" given="Arnaud"/>
    <company id="intalio"/>
      Responsible for all the boring stuff that Keith doesn't want to do anymore.
      Causes immense stress for the other contributors. Introduces bad franglish
      into the documentation.

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Yip" given="Thomas"/>
    <company id="leafsoft"/>
      Lead developer of Castor JDO from late v.0.8 to early v.0.9.
      Enhancements to the lock model, LRU cache, lazy loading, multi-pk,
      m-n support, etc; bugs fixes, test cases, and documentation.

  <contributor type="Committer">
    <name surname="Gr&#252;neis" given="Joachim"/>
      Field of work is JAXB on top of Castor. Therefor a lot of refactorings
      and adoptions in Castor XML are required.
      <date>Sep. 2007</date>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Arkin" given="Assaf"/>
    <company id="intalio"/>
      The initial author of Castor JDO.
      Formally responsible for all things wrong in JDO, and all bugs in Mapping API.
      <date>The beginning</date>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Gignoux" given="Sebastien"/>
    <description>XML Mapping enhancements, bug fixes, documentation and some testing.</description>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Thielen" given="Thorsten"/>
    <description>Enhancements to OQL.</description>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Sahuc" given="Sebastien"/>
    <company id="intalio"/>
    <description>Testing for Oracle and Castor XML.</description>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Wolpert" given="Ned"/>
    <company id="codehead"/>
    <description>JDO enhancements, refactoring and PostgreSQL integration.</description>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Guessant" given="Mickael"/>
    <description>JDO enhancements, help on the mailing list.</description>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Nitz" given="Oleg"/>
    <company id="ibis"/>
      Key generators, stored procedures, Sybase 11/12 support and a variety of other
      design contributions.

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Maucherat" given="Remy"/>
    <company id="sun"/>
    <description>XML enhancements, lots of testing.</description>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Karpenstein" given="Nissim"/>
    <company id="nksystems"/>
    <description>Develops the OQL query parser.</description>

  <contributor type="Inactive Committer">
    <name surname="Fritz" given="Markus"/>
    <company id="justis"/>
    <description>JDO bugfixes, enhancements.</description>


All people contributing to Castor.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Ackley" given="Keith"/>
    <company id="eds"/>
    <description>Added support for marshalling the DOCTYPE to the marshaller.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Adamo" given="Vince" />
    <company id="Vignette" />
    <description>Contributed API to support cache flushing/eviction.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Arriaga" given="Santiago"/>
    <description>Added Informix and Hypersonic SQL to the list of supported databases.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Ballanger" given="Andrew" />
    <description>An improvement for generated SQL statement syntax</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Bate" given="Steve" />
    <description>Fixes to JDO</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Bates" given="Simon" />
    <description>Proposed patch for bug 1200</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Beauregard" given="Michael" />
    <description>Patch for Ant build descriptor to construct the CLASSPATH.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Bechtel" given="Patric" />
    <description>A patch to JDO: the same-connection="false" mode of HIGH/LOW key generator didn't work</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Beloff" given="Rostislav"/>
       Patch to prevent instropection of static methods.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Betteridge" given="Nick"/>
       Added setErrorHandler() to SchemaReader, added removeFacet() to SimpleType.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Bolwidt" given="Erwin"/>
    <description>Patches for cleanup of docs</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Braeuchi" given="Jakob"/>
    <description>Submitted a patch to enable readonly field support</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Brosius" given="Dave"/>
      Submitted small improvements to build.bat and various java files.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Bueno" given="Leonardo"/>
    <description>Contributed MySQL driver.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Bygrave" given="Graham"/>
    <description>Offered a fix an unprotected call on a potentially null object in <tt>OQLQueryImpl#bind()</tt></description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Causevic" given="Emir"/>
      Contributed several patches for SapDb driver and fixed compilation problems with
      Java5. Currently involved in JPA 3.0 implementation and extension of Castor JDO
      to meet new feature requests.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Child" given="Terry"/>
    <description>Contributed Interbase driver.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Chin" given="Stephen"/>
    <description>Proposed patch for bug 1530</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Christmann" given="Paul"/>
    <description>Provided UnmarshalListener feature</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Coleman" given="Alan"/>
    <company id="kenamea"/>
    <description>Contributions to Castor XML (patch for bugs 1319, 1322)</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Cumberland" given="David"/>
    <description>Patch for DateTimeValidator.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="De Smedt" given="Thomas"/>
    <description>Patch for bug 1530</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Deichmann" given="Bernd"/>
    <company id="poet"/>
       Updates for ODMG 3.0 collection support.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Detlefsen" given="August"/>
      Fixed issue with bad dates being persisted in Oracle 9.2.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Eliassen" given="Stein"/>
      Fix for but 1313, count-limited cache type is 30 not 100.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="La Ferla" given="Robert"/>
    <description>Conributed EnumeratedTypeaccess interface..</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Gaillard" given="Gilles"/>
      various bug fixes and patches for Castor XML

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Giordano" given="Chris"/>
      Patch for bug 1658

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Green" given="Nathan"/>
      Enhancements to ConsoleDialog and SourceGenerator to allow
      "all" option via command line utility.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Gr&#252;neis" given="Joachim"/>
      Field of work is JAXB on top of Castor. Therefor a lot of refactorings
      and adoptions in Castor XML are required.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Guillemot" given="Marc" />
    <description>Contributed a fix for bug 1452.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Guerin" given="Thierry" />
    <description>Added WeblogicXMLSerializerFactory.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Hafner" given="Ulli"/>
    <description>Patch for bug 1632</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Hall" given="John"/>
    <company id="avolent"/>
    <description>Patch to upgrade Mapping.xsd to latest XML Schema draft</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Higgins" given="Patrick"/>
      Enhancements to the javasource classes to fix support for abstract
      methods. Some changes for Java 2 types compatibiliy.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Hogge" given="Rick"/>
      Added patch to source generator to prevent conflicts with java.lang.Object
      when the XML Schema contains an element name of "object" or "Object".

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Kelly" given="Shaun" />
      Fix for for multiple occurrences of the 'AS' keyword.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Kleppinger" given="Don"/>
      Enhancement to Marshaller to support BigDecimal as a primitive type.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Lavandowska" given="Lance"/>
      Mapping GUI, LIMIT and OFFSET keywords for HSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Layes" given="Jonathan"/>
    <company id="zaplet"/>
    <description>Some bug fixes to XML Unmarshaller</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Le" given="Duc Bao"/>
    <description>Initial implementation of DDL Generator</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Liebner" given="Stefan"/>
      Submitted code for generating mapping file from existing SQL database.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Lin" given="Peter"/>
    <description>Provided patch for bug 1272 (fix for bound properties)</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Low" given="Heng Sin"/>
    <description>Gives helps fellow users on the mailing list</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Maria" given="Damon" />
   <description>Bug reports and bug fixes for readonly locking mode in Castor JDO</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Martin" given="Margaret"/>
      Contributions to the mailing list to help others in the community; contributed a workaround for the lack of self-referential relationships.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Matz" given="Oliver"/>
    <description>Fix for rollback of fields of type primitive long.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Mauch" given="Thorsten"/>
    <description>OQL Query tool, bug fixing for OQL.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="May" given="Andrew"/>
    <description>Fixed Castor being unable to find FieldDescriptor when using auto-naming with location.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="McKinley" given="Will"/>
      Provided a patch to source generator that allows case insensitive lookups for enumerated type values.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Murray" given="Tom"/>
    <description>Provided a patch concerning the reading of AnyNode.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Moallemi" given="Ciamac" />
    <description>A patch to OQL parser: retrieving fields from a superclass</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Nemeshazy" given="David" />
    <description>Provided a fix for making the HIGH/LOW key generator name pass XML
    schema and DTD validation.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Nielsen" given="Glenn"/>
    <description>Some patches for Castor XML, JakartaOroEvaluator</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Okamoto" given="Takashi"/>
    <description>Contributed XercesRegExpEvaluator implementation</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Oines" given="Leif"/>
    <description>Some bug fixes for DateFieldHandler</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Olausson" given="Thomas"/>
    <description>Contributed a patch for DB2 and identity columns</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Ostermueller" given="Erik"/>
    <description>Contributions to the mailing list to help others in the community</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Ozyurt" given="Burak"/>
    <description>Added InstantDB to the list of supported databases.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Paradis" given="Jackie"/>
    <description>Patch for bug 1474</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Parent" given="Marc-Antoine"/>
    <description>Enhancements to the Castor DSML and bug fixing.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Pelchat" given="Stéphane"/>
    <description>Patches to enum and date field handlers to support "nillable" fields.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Picasso" given="Brent"/>
    <description>Some patches for Castor XML</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Pinel" given="Phil"/>
    <description>TimeZone bug fix for DateFieldHandler</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Post" given="Ulrich"/>
      Allowed restricting an complexType with complexContent to complexType with simpleContent.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Prechtl" given="Barbara"/>
    <description>Fixed unmarshaller error with generated code when using groups.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Purnhagen" given="Ralf" />
    <description>A patch to JDO which fixed a ClassNotFoundException ocurring in a multiple ClassLoader environment</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Rader" given="Todd" />
    <description>A patch for RelationCollection to fix incorrect iteration deleted items are present.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Randall" given="Brett" />
    <description>Patch for bug 1272 (fix for bound properties)</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Rehor" given="Petr" />
    <description>Patches to Castor OQL. Includes the support of 1:M N:M query.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Renner" given="Martin" />
    <description>Fixes for rollback() destroying lazy loading collections,
      PreparedStatement not closed in SQLEngine.delete,
      Exception during db.rollback() when db.update() fails,
      Time limited cache is expiring too fast

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Revie" given="Jon" />
    <description>Bug fixes for logging statements.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Rhodes" given="Phillip" />
      Fixed JDO bug: non-null columns sometimes were returned as null

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Riege" given="Christian" />
      Patch for JInterface to prevent illegal cast when adding a method that uses
      a JInterface as a parameter type

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Rotman" given="Stefan" />
    <description>Fix bug at CastorException</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Rousse" given="Guillaume" />
   <description>Mapping extension and other important feebback</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Roytenberg" given="David" />
    <company id="nsri"/>
      Enhancements to DateFieldHandler to allow different date formats than
      that which is defined in XML Schema.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Salwinski" given="Lukasz"/>
      Helped tracked down issue causing bug CASTOR-1216

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Shea" given="Gary"/>
      Enhancements to the org.exolab.javasource package.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Shishakov" given="Vitaly"/>
    <description>Contributed "trigger" mode for SEQUENCE key generator.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Sibilev" given="Kesha"/>
    <description>Patches to JDO</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Simon" given="Eric"/>
    <description>Fixed thread safe issue with mapping files</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Skopp" given="Martin"/>
      Enhancements to the org.exolab.javasource package.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Small" given="Matt"/>
    <description>Some patches for Castor XML Schema Writer,
      tracked down issue for bug CASTOR-1216

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Smith" given="Ron"/>
    <description>Patch to make 'Map' collection really generic.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Snowsill" given="David" />
   <description>JDO bugfixes</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Stewart" given="George"/>
      Enhancement to give mapping loader higher priority than compiled descriptors

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Sutphin" given="Rhett"/>
      Fixes for mapping.xsd (the schema for the mapping object model) and the initial
      contribution of the binding file for the mapping schema. Patch for bug 1245.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Telcik" given="Tim"/>
      Patch for bug 1916 and 1917

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Thal" given="David"/>
      Patch for bug 1666

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Thelen" given="Frank"/>
    <company id="poet"/>
      Submitted code for allowing subclassing of the special types used
      by the Source Generator, and for supporting ODMG 3.0 collections.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Thyen" given="Michael"/>
    <description>Patch to fix introspection of addXxx() method.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Tinker" given="David" />
    <description>Add support of Identity Key generator for Informix</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Tsichevski" given="Vladimir"/>
    <description>Some patches for Castor XML + Castor JDO</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Ulrich" given="Lutz"/>
    <description>Patch for Castor XML bug 1416</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Valchkov" given="Stoil" />
    <description>Fixed NPE in case of extension of union</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="van Kann" given="Patrick" />
    <description>Ported SQL for Castor JDO tests to SQL Server; updates for docs; helping others on the mailing list</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="van der Kuil" given="Roy" />
    <description>Patch for bug 1730; helping others on the mailing list</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="van Voorthujsen" given="Henk" />
    <description>Fixed lots of compiler warnings</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Verlet" given="Stephane" />
    <description>Patch for High/Low key generator problem in multi DB environement</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Weir" given="John"/>
      enhancement to allow extra non-matched elements to simply be ignored.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Westbay" given="Michael"/>
      Patch for bug CASTOR-1132 (JIRA)

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Wichoski" given="Clóvis"/>
    <company id="supridatta"/>
      Contributed patch for SapDbQueryExpression and CASTOR-1207 (JIRA).
      Also improved coverage of CTF tests for SapDB.

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Wise" given="Nic"/>
    <description>Contributed SEQUENCE key generator for Interbase.</description>

  <contributor type="Contributor">
    <name surname="Woon" given="Mark" />
    <email>morpheus@SMI.Stanford.EDU</email> <description>
      Contributed patches for java.lang.Long&lt;-&gt;java.util.Date
      type convertors and some patches to clean up docs

Contributors giving feedback

All people providing feedback in one way or the other.

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Arias" given="Luis"/>
    <description>XML Schema related issues</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Balsoy" given="Ozgur"/>
    <description>Castor XML feedback</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Cabrera" given="Alan"/>
    <description>Patch to add InstanceFactory support</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Christopherson" given="Dan"/>
    <description>Patch for wildcard introspection bug</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Dankert" given="Edwin"/>
      Patch to org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.util.DatatypeHandler to
      allow empty strings to be handled properly and prevent an
      exception when "guessing" the type.

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Goetter" given="Stephan"/>
    <description>Castor XML feedback</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Goldstein" given="Peter"/>
    <description>Suggested improvement in generated source for booleans (bug 1527)</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Haghani" given="Sasha"/>
    <description>Reported bug with 1-1 Related Objects and autoStore</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Hoyle" given="Duncan"/>
    <description>Castor XML feedback</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Judd" given="Struan"/>
    <description>Castor XML feedback</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Kleser" given="Gerald"/>
    <description>Addition feedback and proposed workaround for bug 1449</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Kovacs" given="Zsolt"/>
    <description>NullPointerException fix in XMLInstance2SchemaHandler</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="La Ferla" given="Robert"/>
    <description>Castor XML feedback</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Leng" given="Bill"/>
    <description>Bug Reports / Castor XML feedback</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Ohlrogge" given="Joakim"/>
    <description>Patch for bug 1449</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Paradies" given="Thomas"/>
      Bug report and patch for default Serializer configuration with respect
      to UTF-8 encoding.

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Rimac" given="Ivica"/>
    <description>A lot of bug reports, feature requrests, feedbacks and testing for Castor JDO</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Sadinoff" given="Daniel"/>
    <description>Fixed some typos in the origins document</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Schneider" given="Georg"/>
    <description>Found an ArrayOutOfBoundsException and fixed it.</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Skolnik" given="Radovan"/>
      Testing/Feedback on mapping file usage related to Castor XML

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Soysa" given="Manjuka"/>
    <description>Feedback on generated enumerations,
      suggested adding the "enumerate" method.

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Suez" given="Eitan"/>
    <description>Various bug reports.</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Sundaranatha" given="Venkatakrishnan"/>
    <description>Testing for Oracle and type conversion for Oracle JDBC driver.</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Van vlerken" given="Johan"/>
    <description>Castor XML feedback - patch for bug 1461</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Vaughan" given="Steve"/>
    <description>Castor XML feedback</description>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Viet" given="Julien"/>
      Reported bug in CollectionInfoJ2 with respect to unbounded collections

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Wescott" given="Jeffrey"/>

  <contributor type="Feedback">
    <name surname="Zamler" given="Eldad"/>
    <description>Found and reported bugs in ClassMolder, ObjectLock and SQLEngine</description>

Contributors towards documentation

All people contributing towards the documentation of Castor.

  <contributor type="Documentor">
    <name surname="Gilmartin" given="Andrew"/>
      Provided examples and docs Blob support via OID with PostgreSQL.

  <contributor type="Documentor">
    <name surname="Horowitz" given="Rick"/>
    <description>Improve the documentation of Castor JDO. Also, bug reports and feedback.</description>

  <contributor type="Documentor">
    <name surname="Secoske" given="Matt"/>
    <description>HOW-TO Unmarshal raw XML segments into arbitrary types.</description>

  <contributor type="Documentor">
    <name surname="Suez" given="Eitan"/>
      Clean-up of <i>xml-mapping</i> documentation and documentation on xsi:type.
      The create-method addition to the <i>tip &amp; tricks</i> page.

  <contributor type="Documentor">
    <name surname="Tanner" given="Dan"/>
      Contribution to the Castor XML FAQ.


All companies contributing towards Castor.

  <company id="apache">
    <name>Apache Software Foundation</name>

  <company id="avolent">
    <name>Avolent, Inc.</name>

  <company id="coda">

  <company id="codehead">
    <name>CodeHead Systems</name>

  <company id="ctoforaday">
    <name>CTO for a day</name>

  <company id="eds">
    <name>EDS (Electronic Data Systems)</name>

  <company id="ibis">
    <name>Integrated Banking Information Systems</name>

  <company id="indoqa">
    <name>Indoqa, Inc.</name>

  <company id="intalio">
    <name>Intalio, Inc.</name>

  <company id="kenamea">
    <name>Kenamea, Inc.</name>

  <company id="leafsoft">

  <company id="mentopolis">

  <company id="nksystems">
    <name>NK Systems</name>

  <company id="nsri">
    <name>NSRI Inc.</name>

  <company id="poet">
    <name>Poet Software</name>

  <company id="sun">
    <name>Sun Microsystems</name>

  <company id="supridatta">

  <company id="syscon">

  <company id="zaplet">

Contributor types

Description of the various contributor types used.


Committers are contributors who have written lots of important code, sacrificing all social events, and becoming a hermit at the expense of providing good tools for people they don’t even know. In return for their love and devotion you may bug them with questions, bug fixes, patches and offer them free beer.

Inactive committers are .. well, inactive. In other words, they are of the same status as a committer, with the only difference that all their contributions happened in the past.

Contributors who jointed the project for an extended period (3 months) as student under the umbrella of the Google summer of code program, working with existing committers on larg-ish junks of new functionality..

Contributors are responsible for making this a better project and we all end up benefiting from the bug fixes, design changes or features they contributed. Contributors tend to live a balanced life and hopefully eat a healthy diet.

Documentors do the impossible and actually explain how to use the software in spite of all the complexity introduced by the committers and contributors.

These contributor types have offered valuable feedback (including bug reports) that have been beneficial to the development and stability of this project.
