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Configuring Castor XML (Un)Marshaller


Configuring the Marshaller

Before using the Marshaller class for marshalling Java objects to XML, the Marshaller can be fine-tuned according to your needs by calling a variety of set-methods on this class. This section enlists the available properties and provides you with information about their meaning, possible values and the default value.

Marshaller properties
Name Description Values Default Since
suppressNamespaces true or false false 1.0

Configuring the Unmarshaller

Before using the Unmarshaller class for unmarshalling Java objects from XML, the Unmarshaller can be fine-tuned according to your needs by calling a variety of set-methods on this class. This section enlists the available properties and provides you with information about their meaning, possible values and the default value.

Unmarshaller properties
Name Description Values Default Since
rootObject A Class instance identifying the root class to use for unmarshalling. 1.0